🌱Seed 😐Neutral

Importance: 10%


The idea that I will use Christoper Alexander’s ideas of wholeness and centers to see what I can see about the built environment and church dynamics of LCOS and Santa Maria

LCOS Campus Centers Notes on the Nature of Order Thinking of Spacial Relationships as Centers LCOS Pastoral Practices and Perspective

Rhythms are the basic way of seeing the world

Wholeness and centers are the way the way we can notice and talk about these rhythms in the tangible world around us

Creation account

  • first thing Created us light and the basic rhythm of day and night
  • Later this rhythm is reproached but is put into a tangible form with light sources and heavily bodies
  • Day two is the creation of a spacial reality
  • Then other days flesh this out with land sea and animals
  • humans are spatial and time bound creatures in line with the rest of the creation