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The Big Idea
A collection of a few various ways to engage Scripture.
Christian Meditation
This is a very deep and broad way to engage scripture. Here are some notes about it: Christian Meditation
Listening styles:
Ethos - relationships with speaker
Logos - logical flow of material
Pathos - feelings evoked by material and speaker
Basic Learning styles:
Auditory - listen to spoken word
Visual - see images or illustrations
Kinetic - physical engagement of body
Types of Memory:
Semantic - logical word based memory of facts or figures
Autobiographical - memory that connects to your story of life. Or the way you process the world around you
Story is the type of material that sticks in our minds the easiest and stays the longest.
A major question we need to keep asking is how does this hook up to the greater story and images of Scripture?
General passive engagement:
Listen to reading
Listen in car
Read English
Personal engagement:
Listen to reading and draw what you hear
Draw specific scene or image from Scripture
Read the word out loud
Sing Scripture
Hand write scripture out
⁃ Pray Scripture
⁃ Memorize verse or section
⁃ Use mnemonic devices
⁃ Use mind palace
⁃ Recite while walking
⁃ Silently reflect or meditate on a specific passage
⁃ Journal personal thoughts and things that stick out from a verse
Nitty Gritty engagement:
Research book as a whole
Research section
Research verse or phrase
Study in original language