: 60%
The Big Idea
The overall structure I have developed to help easily identify the purpose and function of various notes.
Beginning Note Metadata
These are pieces of information I will attach to the beginning of each note that helps give clearer context to how I view the ideas and information contained.
- Note Dates:
Important dates to help frame the note’s life cycle:
- Date a note was planted.
- Date note was last tended
Both dates are auto added/updated using the “Update time on edit” community plugin.
- Epistemic Disclosure:
Tags to make clear the level of work put into an idea:
- 🌱Seed an idea that is intriguing but has had very little development. In other words, they are interesting tidbits that I may do more with in the future.
- 🪴Sprout an idea that has been developed and thought about, but not put into any kind of final form.
- 🌿Sapling an idea that has the starts of a final form.
- 🍋Fruit Essays, poems, projects, or other more polished forms of writing. They are independently useful products of a line of thought or initiative.
- 🌲Evergreen A running note that is continually updated.
- Idea Sentiment: My personal opinion/acceptance of the idea held within a note:
- Confidence Level: The Confidence Scale associated with the ideas or concepts contained within the current note:
- Special Note Types:
Tags that identify notes that function for me in special ways:
- 🌳Thought-Tree the home note of a Tree of Thought that is a more linear line of thought with dependent notes and connections.
- 📊Project A note focused on completing a goal or building something.
- 📖Story A personal or interesting story I would like to save for personal memory and possible use in a sermon.
- 📝Essay A more polished written essay on a particular subject.
- 📃Epistle A Short form writing that I generally send out once a month to my congregation on a particular thought or idea. Not a full treatment but kind of a devotional reading.
- 🗣Sermon An oral presentation for a worship service that I have presented. I tend to keep notes in short from so they tend to not be full manuscripts.
- 📚Definition A note that holds a kind of dictionary style definition of a word or phrase.
- ✒️Poem A personal or quoted poem.
- 📓Journal A personal recount of an experience of some sort.
- Idea Importance:
I will use a sliding percentage rating to make clear how important the current note is to me. Something like:
- Importance: 62%
- No topic tags!!! I find them hard to manage and keep track of as well as unnecessarily condensing the content of a note. Instead I will strive to make connections between notes using internal links.
Example Note Metadata
This is an example of the current metadata I have composed to start each note. For ease of use I have created an Obsidian Template to insert this data pre-formatted. Otherwise I would 100% forget to start notes with it or drift with its style over time.
Note Planted
: {{date}}Last Tended
: {{date}}
: 10%
The Big Idea
A new interesting idea.