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The Big Idea: This is a collection of various Pedagogy methods that can be used while teaching a Bible study.
Teaching Bible Class in any way, with any structure or lesson plan takes place somewhere on this continuum. The word of emphasis there is continuum, as many ways of teaching are somewhere in the middle of these different places. The three markers below represent the two extremes and the middle of the spectrum. Each marker has strengths and weaknesses, expressed in the chart below. As you look towards preparing for Bible Studies, consider the strengths and weaknesses of your community in relation to the kind of study you plan to put before them.
Teacher Led | Teacher Led Discussion | Small Group Discussion | |
Material Covered per Class: | Highest | Midrange | Lowest |
Amount of Direction: | Highest | Midrange | Lowest |
Capacity for Background Information: | Highest | Midrange | Lowest |
Capacity for Community Building: | Lowest | Midrange | Highest |
Teacher Knowledge Required: | Highest | Highest | Highest |
Material Accessibility: | Lowest | Midrange | Highest |
Participant Interaction: | Lowest | Midrange | Highest |
Material Retention: | Lowest | Midrange | Highest |
It is important to keep in mind the purpose of any study going forward. The goal of bringing people together for Bible Study is to connect people in a Biblical Community, to connect people to one another and to God’s Word. We are not training academic theologians, we are bringing people to God’s Word and bringing God’s Word into their lives. This should frame your preparation, your lesson planning, and your teaching. For most of your participants, the relationships and teaching will be more impactful for their discipleship than the content itself. With all of this as background, below are a variety of structures and strategies for structuring Bible Studies and lesson arcs that fall in different places on the spectrum above and are suited for a variety of students, materials, and teachers. As you work with any new structure, be sure to work with someone who has used it before and workshop your lessons with them as often as you can. |
Individual Structures
Descriptions of individual structures that can be found along this teaching continuum:
BYOB (Build Your Own Bible Study)
Cooperative Learning
Small Group Discussion
Flipped Classroom
Contemplate and Analyze