🌱Seed 🙂Agree

Importance: 10%

The Big Idea

Notes on the technical set up of this digital garden.

  • start by forking the quartz repository (otherwise it’s a pain later)
  • clone fork and set up locally start with getting started
  • then build and preview to make sure everything is working build and preview
  • then set up the hosting with github without any fancy stuff just use the test page hosting
  • found new plugin to add dates to properties so that I don’t need to use dataview or enveloppe
  • using quatrz for static site generation (work comp had restrictions no issue on home laptop)
    • Had issues getting npx to work was able to use node quartz/bootstrap-cli.mjs followed by the command instead
    • very easy to just us -d option to specify the envelop repo I cloned back down
  • have a separate github repo that saves the raw obsidian markdown files. Use obsidian git plugin on comp to sync with it.
  • Todo: write clearer speck of what I have set up
  • Todo: write down all the settings I have used
  • Todo: start by uploading my finished essays and linking them and creating definition pages
  • Change icon under quartz/static to whatever icon you want

Fonts used on site

Used google fonts

Header: Special Elite Body: Architects Daughter Code: Amatic SC

Todos for Website

  • figure out formatting on tags page. i.e. remove note tags under the listing
  • tweak search bar and dark mode on desktop placement. transition left side to grid css not just flex.
  • figure out recent notes not scrolling on desktop
  • change home to base camp on breadcrumbs
  • Add a table of contents page
  • make a special svg logo for the site. I am thinking three aspen leaves together in a circle. make sure that it pops up on site correctly.
  • make sure callout colors and formatting make sense and look good
  • edit the footer to be clearer and simpler invite for people to reach out about an idea
  • on light mode make the code blocks and tag blocks pop more
  • post all epistles
  • post all formal essays
  • finish landing page
  • Set up gitscus for comments
  • figure out table display as well so that it doesn’t look gross
  • Set up comments
  • Set up recent page and figure out page dating on upload
  • Figure out a nice banner