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The Big Idea
Related Notes: Patterns of Liturgy-The Rhythm of Life, Models of Human Rhythms, Personal Reflections on My Personal Rhythms, Rhythm Reset
Excerpt from personal email with Joel Biermann: “Your subject of study is a good one, no doubt. So far as resources that address this directly, I can’t think of anything in particular. From my perspective the big point at work is the interface between vertical and horizontal realm realities. In the coram mundo aspect of our lives we do the vocations God has given us, thus fulfilling the first great commission. And in the process of carrying out those duties we find opportunities to speak the truth about Christ to those we encounter, thus doing the second great commission. So, we serve our neighbors by caring for their coram mundo needs and their coram Deo needs, and we live then as the creatures God intended. I’ve attached a paper I had you read back in Systems 2 (at least I assigned it). It comes closest to establishing the working foundations and relationships between the two commissions, though that is not the specific subject. You might also check out Arand and Kolb’s Genius of Luther for some other background thinking on this.”
Units of Human connection
Mentor mentee
Small group - missional community, fellowship/bible study groups, triad
Teacher class
Pastor Congregation (in worship)
Program - by age group, interest
Peer to peer