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The Big Idea
The starting place for a thinker or school of thought tends to lend a particular character to everything that comes out of that way of thinking. Therefore it is important to not only think about ending up in the right place but also starting from the right place when considering a topic or theory.
Another way to say this is that no matter what, there is always an underlying Image of Human Thriving behind a particular way of thinking or approaching the world and Cosmology.
For example, Christopher Alexander (Architect, Author) starts with the simple desire to build good buildings. And so his work is intensely grounded while also being abstract enough to apply it to any new building project.
Frank Senn starts from a very intense focus on the role of embodiment and its importance for all of life and so his treatment of liturgy comes from a very different place than discussing liturgy from a doctrinal or historical starting point.
Another example is Systems Theory that seeks to understand the world in terms of a system and its components. Basically producing a base language with which to approach various organic and nonorganic groups of beings and things.