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Importance: 10%

The Big Idea

What are the basic traits that make something worth doing?

We live in a world that so often prizes the efficient, the finished, the mechanical, the profitable, the productive and the fast. Anything that makes more money faster or more success faster. And if it checks those boxes than it’s good or worth while.

But what if instead the things that are creaturely were more important than those?

The rhythms of life, the cycles, the unfinished, the in process, the slow and deep things of life that don’t happen immediately and that we do because they are valuable in and of themselves. The earthy, tangible, grounded things we do like watch a sunset or scribble an half formed thought on the back of a napkin. What if those messy ordinary things are actually the most important parts of our lives. The things that force us to slow down and engage with ourselves and others?

The think to be avoided in all this is the look of being productive or generative but never gaining real growth or being challenged to be the best you can be.

So I guess there still needs to be a basic imperative call forward but not to the standard description of success. Rather it should be the Call of The Two Commissions. This lays out God’s definition of human flourishing because our human definitions suck.

Related note: Abstract Basis of Life, A Creature Among Machines