🌱Seed 😐Neutral

Importance: 10%

The Big Idea

A way of structuring a plan that breaks actions into the first three days, the first three weeks, the first three months, and the first three years. A way to kind of ease into a situation and have things basically organized.

In addition, this kind of plan is often broken up into different “frames”, that help break each time period into specific areas of importance.

I think this might be a little over kill for a useful plan just in the fact that it is hard to know what is realistically possible in three years. I think a one year time horizon is easier to conceptualize for me.

First Three Days

HR Frame

Think about what needs to happen around personal job and family needs. Does Insurance need switched, do you need to find a place to live, etc.

Structural Frame 

Think about what things need to happen within the structure of the organization. What information do I need from specific people, what paper work needs finished, in other words, what organizational cogs need to get started spinning, etc.

Political Frame 

Think about the social network within the new context. What are important players and their investment in this transition? How can I connect with them?

Symbolic Frame

Think about the core ideology and mission driving a place, is there coherence between stated mission and behavioral evidence? How can I find that out and affect it in a positive direction?

First Three Weeks

HR Frame

Structural Frame 

Political Frame 

Symbolic Frame

First Three Months

HR Frame

Structural Frame 

Political Frame 

Symbolic Frame

First Three Years

HR Frame

Structural Frame 

Political Frame 

Symbolic Frame