🌱Seed 😐Neutral

Importance: 10%

[!The Big Idea]

Young people grow up really fast and we need to help them learn how to deal with the stress and resistance of the world around us.

Parents do a scaffolding dance - it provides support and structure as the child grows. The scaffolding needs to constantly be adjusting so that the child can stand on their own eventually

Kids always want less scaffolding. Parents have to constantly be in conversation about how much scaffolding is needed and know that parents always want more scaffolding because we see them as our babies

But we cannot raise them to be fully functional if they are never allowed to fail

Kids need forgiveness for what they do and parents need forgiveness for our parenting as well. That is why it is a dance that is constantly adjusting. As they get older it’s a conversation and negotiation with them as they grow and mature.

Always working toward launching them


My goal as a parent is not to be right but to do right by you