🌲Evergreen 😁Strongly-Agree 🟢Conviction
: 98%
The Big Idea
A Collection of various theological thoughts.
Big Picture Theological Principles and Frameworks 💡
- Law and Gospel
- Three Uses of the Law
- Two kingdoms
- Two Kinds of Righteousness
- The Two Commissions and cycle of gospel living
- Meta narrative of the Bible (or the Story of Everything)
- The Personal (Jesus), Spoken, and Written Word of God
- The three Ps of seeing Jesus in the Old Testament: Presence, Prediction, and Pattern.
- Saint and Sinner
- Now and not yet
- Everyone is a Theologian
- the Paradosis (What is passed down) and Corpus Doctrinae (Body of Doctrine)
- Theologian of the cross vs theologian of glory
- The Process of Inculturation
- What is Liturgy
- Rhythms of Life and Faith
- Spiritual Disciplines
- Embodied practices (crosses, breath prayer, Using our bodies in worship, etc.)
- Liturgical Calendar
- Vocation
- Function of Doctrine as a common language
- Church Militant and the Church Triumphant
- Beauty, space and creativity
- Holiness of God
- Lament and tough emotions
- Bible reading skills
- Reading and Meditating on Scripture:
- Christian Meditation
- Lectio Divina
- Luther’s Oratio, Meditatio, Tentatio.
- Meditation on Psalm 8
- Metaphor in Scripture
- Quiet Muttering
- A Conversation with God (Epistle)
- Reading Scripture Devotionally
- The Struggle to be in God’s Word
- Love the Lord Your God with all Your Heart
- Ways to Engage Scripture
- Gerhard Method of Theological Study
- Creatureliness and embodiment. Danger of dualism
- 6 Chief Parts of the Catechism
- Means of Grace and Sacraments
- Justification and other Gospel metaphors
- New Heaven and New Earth. Eschatology
- Sin = Death, and Sin = Separation.
- Three Biblical Words for sin and their accompanying metaphors:
- Incurvatus in se (Latin) - A life lived turning inward on oneself - need to look it up again
- Concupiscence - malformed desires of the heart - way of speaking about sin in the confessions
- Hebrew (Chata) and Greek (Hamartia) - Missing the mark. Like an archer missing the target.
- Theodicy. Defending God’s hidden attributes.
- Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi (Law of Prayer becomes Law of Faith). Practice proceeds Theology.
- Goodness of the Law and danger of antiNomianism
- Pastoral Office and the Priesthood of All Believers
- Lutheran Potholes: Rationalism, Legalism, repristination and Law/Gospel reductionism.
- Confessionalism. Subscribe to doctrine not exegesis.
- Old Testament Law useful for principles not direct following (I.e. Under Law of Christ not Law of Moses).
- Movement of the Presence of God in Scripture and Sacred space
- Proclamation vs Explanation of Theology and Faith
- Marks of the Church (Word and Sacraments). Preaching
- Visible and Invisible Church
- Jesus as Prophet, Priest and King
- Two Natures of Christ, Athanasian Creed, person of Christ
- Economic Trinity. from the father through the son by the Holy Spirit. We can also pray to the Father through the son in the Holy Spirit
- Immanent Trinity. Co equal, eternal etc.
- Original Sin
- Sanctification
- Return of Jesus, Judgment day
- Free will, and predestination
- Biblical Poetry (Psalms, Prophets, etc.)
- Mission Mindset: Go and Tell not always Come and See
- Order of Creation. As it comes from the creation account and other biblical descriptions, but also as we can see it through the healthy functioning of particular created orders. Notes on the Nature of Order A similar account of seeing the health functioning of buildings.
- The Use and Inhabitation of Space:
- The Solas of the Reformation
- Bible Translations
- Facing North or East