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The Big Idea

An activity sheet to help uses questions I condensed down from this note: Reading Scripture Devotionally

A Conversation with Scripture

Reading Scripture can sometimes be confusing.  There are words you don’t normally see or hear.  There are names that are hard to pronounce.  Not to mention the life of people in the Bible can feel very different and far away from our own.   Being confused by what we read in the Bible is okay.  Only when we can acknowledge that something does not make sense can we begin to let the words of Scripture become more than a textbook, or words on a page.  The Scriptures have important, life changing, things to tell us; no matter how old we are, or if we know a little, or a lot about the Bible.  

When we read through a portion of Scripture it is important to engage our minds and hearts.  As you read through a portion of Scripture, go back and answer at least 10 of these questions.  Pay attention to how they affect what you understand and see in these verses.  

  1. What words are hard to understand in these verses? Find a definition for them and write it down

  2. According to the speaker, where is God? How does the speaker describe God?

  3. Do these verses remind you of anything you know or have done?

  4. What question would you like to ask the author about these verses?

  5. What has happened so far in this story? What do you think will happen next? Why?

  6. What emotions are the people in these verses feeling?  How do you know?

  7. What would you have done if you were the character? Has anything like this ever happened to you? Does it remind you of something? How are you like/different from this character?

  8. Is it easy for you to identify with the speaker or difficult?

  9. As you’ve been reading, what pictures have been in your mind? If you were in the story, what would you hear, taste, smell or feel?

  10. Is there anything you’re wondering about right now?

  11. What are you doing as you read?

    • Am I agreeing, questioning, empathizing, pushing back, getting bored, praising God, making certain connections, confused, filled with joy and so on? Why?
  12. What do you think will be important to remember about these verses? Why?

  13. How do these verses hook up to the larger story of the Scriptures?

  14. What are some things you value about what the speaker is saying?

  15. When confronted with the words of the speaker, what should you do? Should I do anything?

  16. Put these versus in your own words.  What are they talking about? What is the big idea?