🌿Sapling 🙂Agree 🟢Conviction

Importance: 50%

The Big Idea

This is a collection of important mindsets for a healthy Christian community.

The categories we use to understand our world matter: A Categorical Mind

  • Scriptural Mindset - Scripture remains our sure and final foundation of life and practice. All other sources of wisdom must be subservient to God’s pure word. 

  • Sacramental Mindset - The Sacraments are the foundation through which we receive God’s grace. They are the sure, tangible, communal way God has given us to encounter His grace and forgiveness. 

  • Trinitarian Mindset - We worship and serve God who is triune in nature. We recognize the mystery of their communion and the lavish loving nature of their economy of salvation.  Salvation comes From the Father Through the Son By the Holy Spirit. We have been baptized into this triune name and serve no other. 

  • Mission Mindset - As God’s people we have been sent to out to the four corners of the world to proclaim the Gospel and welcome Christ’s children home.  

  • Discipleship Mindset - We have been sent out to make disciples. People who follow Jesus into the fields of this world to do the work of the Kingdom.  

  • Abundance Mindset  - All good things come from God and His gracious hand. We therefore steward the resources we have with gratitude and thankfulness rather than coveting those we lack. 

  • Other Minded - We are called as members of Christ’s body to look outside ourselves to the needs of others. “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” - 1 Cor. 12:26.

  • Humble Future Focus - Though we cannot see into the future, we expectantly plan and pray for the will of God to become manifest within our community. We can adopt the saying of James 4:15  “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.

Todo: add mindsets outlined in the starfish and the spirit book