🪴Sprout 😁Strongly-Agree 🟢Conviction

Importance: 70%

The Big Idea

I need to do a fuller write up around this some time but here are some hastily collected resources around Christian Meditation.

A core picture to have in mind as we engage with and meditate on scripture is that we are having A Conversation with God (Epistle). This is an active living relationship to an active loving Word that came to free us from sin, death and the devil.

Therefore engaging the whole body is a key feature. We are creatures of God formed with bodies not given bodies later or any such Platonic nonsense. If we take that seriously then the way we move, hear, speak, draw, etc. all affect the way we engage God’s word. The aim of all this to absorb the story of Scripture into our own story. God’s story is our story and vice versa.

Psalm 1:1-2

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

Law - תּוֹרָה torah which is more generally the teachings and instructions of the Lord not just the strict laws.

Delight - חֵ֫פֶץ hephetz main emphasis of this word is to delight and desire. 

Meditate - הָגָה hagah is to mutter or even growl and coo the idea that what is being considered is important enough to talk to yourself about. 

Joshua is told to do the same thing as he prepares to lead the people into the promised land. Literally to meditate day and night on the torah of God. Joshua 1:8

Here are some other notes around Meditation and Reading Scripture:

Here is a Bible Project Video that describes key features of the Bible as Jewish Meditation Literature: Bible as Jewish Meditation Literature

Some methods for Christian Meditation:

A couple applications of Christian Meditation: