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The Big Idea
List of various collections of notes
🍱Note Collections
Musings on Faith and Life
The meandering my thoughts on how to live a faithful life as a community
- A Grounded Cosmology and a Creaturely Anthropology
- Big Picture Theological Concepts
- Foundations of Discipleship
- My Thoughts on Learning
- My Thoughts on Cosmology
- Church Practice Ideas
- Embodiment of Community
- Rhythm and Group Culture
- Models of Human Rhythms
- Thoughts on Liturgy and Rhythm
- Patterns of Liturgy-The Rhythm of Life
- A Scripture Based Pattern Language
- Creeping Idols
- Core Mindsets for a Healthy Community
- Lament Epistle Series
- The Theology of Dirt
- Practices of Faith
- Confessions and Decentralization
- Kingdom of God Preaching
- Potential Subjects to cover in Epistles
- The Starting Point of Theology and Cosmology
- Abstract Basis of Life
- A Categorical Mind
- Examination of the Heart - Psalm 32.5
- Christmas Reflection
- Who Shall Separate Us
- Stations of the Cross
- For the Life of the World
- Epiphany Reflection
- School and Confirmation Epistle
Human and Faith Centered Tech
Stuff about how we should use and think about tech:
Stuff I have built or am working on.