🌿Sapling 🙂Agree 🟢Conviction

Importance: 10%


Technology is not value neutral. Every piece of technology works to realize a particular picture of human thriving and existence. Therefore it is not outside the realm of theology or applying Scriptural truth.

There is no such thing as a completely “neutral” tool. Even a hammer is made with a particular kind of work in mind.

All tech sells based off of a narrative 

Even programming languages each have a unique narrative of what makes them special and what problems they seek to solve 

The form factor not just the “function” of technology matters to what categories we use to understand the world around us

Jesus love breaking people’s comfortable categories

 the problems the tech seeks to solve we can get clues to the larger driving narrative 

Each narrative pictures ideal human existence by solving particular problems 

Structural narrative how it actually goes about solving the problem (and other more background motivators)

Presenting narrative the way the tech is packaged and presented to users 

Question is not what feature does it have but what picture of human thriving does it claim to promote and what picture does it promote 

Real life comparison of tools 

A crm focused on sales 

Rock church management super open source ethos 

Leantime focus on general productivity and Neruo divergence 

Breeze focused on a more big church money focus same with planning center