🌱Seed 😐Neutral

Importance: 10%

The Big Idea

I have been thinking a lot about learning and pedagogy. I can’t say its all organized yet but here are a lot of random pieces that I have thought about.

Writing is a form of learning. It is a way to hammer things out to put it down and come back to evaluate it later. It is a way to voyage my cranial seas.

Types of Pedagogy Basic Philosophies of Community Rhythm and Project Lifecycle Bible Study Structures Embodiment of Community Failure Based Learning Faith Formation Gerhard Method of Theological Study Grounded Learning Learning and Writing Flow Models of Human Rhythms Pedagogical Feedback Loop Pedagogy Research The Iterative Nature of Learning Visual Teaching Ways to Engage Scripture Zone of Proximal Development Pedagogy of Space Living Process for LCOS Rhythm and Group Culture Boredom The Preservation of Tail Knowledge Topological Navigation Attention