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The Big Idea
Note Tree for various aspects as they develop LCOS Community Notes first part of the process undertaken: Opening LCOS Visioning Process Thoughts on organizational Structure Structural Narratives
Related Notes: LCOS Community Notes Notes on the Nature of Order Thinking of Spatial Relationships as Centers LCOS Pastoral Practices and Perspective
John 6:32-33
Jesus then said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.
John 10:9-10
I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
Proverbs 15:22
Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.
Proverbs 25:15
With patience a ruler may be persuaded, and a soft tongue will break a bone.
Proverbs 27:1
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.
This document seeks to develop and enact a cyclical living process that can be used to structure our on going life together in a way that keeps us focused on our core ideals and purpose.
The elements of this effort are twofold:
- The laying out and initiation of a living process to guide the rhythm of our life together as a whole.
- The construction of a pattern language that will help us to continually ask and answer the question “Is this supporting or hurting our mission?” with tangible responses. A Scripture Based Pattern Language
Background reasons for using this approach can be found in this document: Mission and Visioning Potholes
A possible integration of my thoughts on rhythm with the idea of centers
Rhythms are the basic way of seeing the world
Wholeness and centers are the way we can notice and talk about these rhythms in the tangible world around us
Creation account
- first thing Created us light and the basic rhythm of day and night
- Later this rhythm is reproached but is put into a tangible form with light sources and heavily bodies
- Day two is the creation of a spacial reality
- Then other days flesh this out with land sea and animals
- humans are spatial and time bound creatures in line with the rest of the creation Presence or God
- spatially in temple starting at garden of Eden
- time wise sabbath starting at the end of creation Centers and rhythms can then be thought of as was to reflect God and his presence some thing better reflect than others and some totally miss the mark
Process Flow
- Word of God as Narrative and unfiltered Pattern source
- We also have the “law on our heart” which correlates the Alexander’s idea of Deep Feeling. We all have an inherent sense of if something is rightly ordered or not we just sometimes ignore it or allow our minds to warp it. It is the good or bad order of the world around us actually effecting us viserally. Not our emotional response to things
- Doctrine as regularized grammar
- This is more abstract and has to do with what we believe
- Think doctrine that God hears and answers prayer
- Pattern language as a way to express the tangible order of the world and human relatedness that flows from the Creator
- This is more tangible and had to do with how we live and what we do
- Think public prayer
- Form Language as the rules to actually compose the physical centers and lived rhythms of a pattern
- Think the form of the litany in LSB setting 1
- Form can be embodied in the shape of a physical center or a Chronemic rhythm.
- For example a heart beat is based on both the physical make up of the heart that makes it possible as well as the rhythmic employment of each chamber
Living Process
Basically the idea that we want to facilitate a paradigm shift from mechanistic mentality of being after the right structure or mechanism but rather we are after the right pattern or wholeness
Changing the way we think of our work and future not as plans and goals
But as giving thanks for what we are and acting to bring to life the patterns we value
We are after to good order of the world and our lives accepting to the will of God
Not good order as defined by the world and culture
Or even the good order of the past only
But the good order of God’s will as best as we can understand and enact his patterns in the world around us
The work of the church as an unfolding whole
Mechanistic cosmology as the Aristotle of our day. Go look up Luther on Aristotle in Heidelberg dispute
Get opening discusión from unfolding whole
Also get mechanistic discussion from phenomena of life
What is going well now?
- What keeps you at LCOS?
- What got you first connected with LCOS?
- What is the most meaningful aspect of LCOS?
What is not going well now?
Vision Exploration
- Perspectives
- Current or Past Leadership
- Young Families
- Recent Members
- Longtime Members
- Individuals with accessibility concerns
- Preschool Teachers/Staff
- Preschool Families
- Perspectives
Construction of Pattern Language
Where have we been?
- Review Scriptural Foundation
What is our purpose as a church?
- Two Kinds of Righteousness
- Two Commissions
- Mission Statement
- Review Past Activity
- Review written history summary
- As a counsel
- As elders
- Maybe in bible class
- As Preschool board
- What is cherished from this past?
- What are hard or disappointing parts of this past?
- Review written history summary
- Review Scriptural Foundation
What is our purpose as a church?
Where are we now?
Where are we going?
Pieces of Process
- Informal Interview
- Formal Interviews
- Questionnaire
- Keyword Analysis
- Center Identification and description
- Centers Diagram
- Center Connections
- Diagram / Sketches of people’s vision
- Feeling and Wholeness tests and surveys
- Pattern Structure Overview and review
- Specific pattern development
- Aperiodic grid for laying out the interconnection of space
- Form language for specific meaningful forms and geometries
- Review and discussion of demographics information
- Wardley Map - talk about Wardley Map
- Life of an Environment Interview Questions
- Relationship Check
- Story Questions and Existential Questions