🌱Seed 😁Strongly-Agree 🟡Consideration

Importance: 10%

The Big Idea

I have realized just how easy it is to allow lecture and expert to learning style teaching predominate with bible study for all ages. Yet at the same time you cannot just expect people to totally know or be able to access the bible and bible stories without help and gentile guidance.

I attended Sarah’s presentation at the CNH all workers conference where she talked about her experience teaching the Bible using biblical themes (a more approachable term than typology).

I picked her brain about teaching the bible from an Old Testament, Meditative, and Biblical Themes perspective. As I step into more teaching and confirmation leading here at LCOS.

Email From Sarah

Here are the calendars for both semesters, look through them and let me know if there are any documents or EdPuzzles you are interested in having access to:

Semester 1

Semester 2

The curriculum is built on Biblical Themes. Here is the introduction packet and the “cheat sheet” they get for reading through the Word on their own.

Biblical Themes Packet

Biblical Themes Outline (Modified one with Questions to Ask)

We use Meditation Logs as our primary method for students engaging with the Word, asking questions and making observations. Here they are for the Genesis through Numbers:

Genesis Meditation Reflection Log

Exodus/Leviticus Meditation Reflection Log

Numbers Meditation Log (Seven Rebellions)

You’ll notice that we encourage them to use symbols whenever they see the Biblical Themes. Here is a picture of what we draw with them. 

Biblical Themes Symbols.jpeg

Many of the students write them in the margins of their personal Bibles which is pretty cool to see. In general, the symbols just help them track the themes and remember what they mean

Idea to use the biblical themes as a way to let the kids “teach” the adults. Or to integrate them intentionally in a leadership or assistance role in Adult Bible class.

EdPuzzles let you have a quiz during a video.

She also used the meditation logs very extensively and said she saw a huge change in kid engagement when she moved to them.