🌱Seed 😐Neutral 🟡Consideration

Importance: 10%

The Big Idea

Modern humans have a strange relationship with rest and taking a break. In generations past rest used to be force by things like winter, darkness, even large scale societal shutdown for Sundays and Holidays. But ever since the Industrial Revolution, the competing value of “time is money” and all its eventual permutations has warped our understanding of human purpose and the place of rest in our lives.

This is especially true for people employed within teaching and ministry.

Hard demands Unpredictable schedule Messiness of human needs and care

Two pitfalls Over work and refuse to take off

Underwork or letting things slide

Not meant to be terenized by the clock

The idea of faithfulness to daily tasks vs the teireny of tiny tasks

Work was meant for caring and tending

But sin makes it toilsome

Want to move to salary vs hourly Better faithfulness to taking care of people