🌱Seed 🙂Agree 📓Journal

Importance: 10%

The Big Idea

Obadiah deals with judgment toward Edom because of taking advantage of the downfall of Israel. Offers hope for Israel to return.

Obadiah is the shortest book in the Bible with only 21 verse

Talks about Edom (the decedents of Esau as the archetype of prideful nations that have taken advantage of Israel)

In bible study I have decided to read it eight times with the class to really let it sink in.

Bible Project Video Overview


  1. Family Relations
    • Edom and Israel decedents of brothers.
  2. High vs Low and Pride vs Humble
    • They thought they could raise themselves up or be safe because they lived in high places.
  3. Mountains
    • The two important mountains are Mount Zion and Mount Esau as kind of opposing places of authority and power but the end of the book pictures saviors going up to rule on both mountains under the authority of God alone.
    • A short overview of Mountains of Scripture
  4. All Nations
    • Edom becomes an emblem of all the nations in the middle of the book in verse 15 where is switches to judgment against all nations for refusing to acknowledge God
  5. Justice
    • Justice according to God’s rule and definition of what is right not what the Edomites convinced themselves was right.
  6. Rule of God
    • Picture the rule of God as deliverance and restoration of Israel’s proper place as well as the humbling of the proud nations.
  7. Cup of Wrath
    • Psalm 11:5-6
    • Psalm 75:6-8
    • Ezekiel 23:31–33
    • Isaiah 51:17
    • Jeremiah 25:15-17
    • Matthew 26:39 - Jesus asking that the cup would pass from Him.
    • Revelation 14:10
    • Revelation 16:1–17 - The seven bowls.
  8. Day of the Lord
    • Amos 5:18–24 - warning about desiring the day of the lord
    • Isaiah 2:11–12
    • Joel 2:30–31
    • Joel 3:14–16
    • 2 Peter 3:10–13
    • 1 Thessalonians 5:2-6
    • 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 - Description of coming of the Lord from the perspective of believers.