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The Big Idea
I have often thought about ways to get into drawing more from picking a particular “thing” and drawing it over and over. To just drawing whatever is in front of me. But with the pace of life I’ve often just never done any of that.
But doodling seems like a low commitment and easy entry point for just drawing and relaxing. I am going to collect ideas for simple doodles here so it if I am too tired to think or something I can just refer here.
The Rhythm
I want to try at the end of the day to just take five to ten minutes to draw one doodle.
The Fifteen Fundamental Properties Used the list of common good shapes in nature of order book 1 p.183
Abstract Drawing Exercises
- Draw parallel straight lines
- Draw imperfect parallel lines
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Diagonal
- Straight
- Curved
- Think
- Thin
- Draw free lines and then color or shade in some of the resulting shapes using two different colors.
- Follows from exercise above. Choose individual shapes from resulting from the free draw. Then set up small thumbnail boxes on the page and put on shape in it. Optionally you can color with two contrasting colors.
- Gesture drawing - use the least amount of lines to try the basic form, structure and movement of a subject
Grid and Hashes
- Draw a simple straight line grid
- Draw two spirals. One from the inside out and one from the outside in
- Draw circles together squishing them together
Half circle
- Draw
Oval or Ellipse
- Draw
- Draw
- Draw
- Draw
S shape
- Draw
- Draw
- Draw
- Draw
Row of dots
- Draw
- Draw
- Draw
- Draw
- Draw
- Draw
- Draw
Drawing Exercises
- Draw a book cover
- Draw daily beauty around you
- look at an object in the room and try to condense it down to the most basic shapes and colors that compose it
- Use a “finder” a piece of paper that has a square or rectangle cut out in it to notice a particular scene around you. Draw that scene
- Blind contour drawing. Focus on drawing the edges of a subject. But never look down at your paper only look at the subject the whole time
- For three times draw the same thing but using a different focus
- Contours - draw the edges of the thing
- Shapes - draw the thing using shapes
- Line first than draw shapes over
- Shapes first then draw lines over